A minor update has been released
Other (but still good) Changes
1st Hotfix after Feedback
You believed this project is dead and forgotten just because it's an older game? Well, you're wrong!
Ay caramba! So once in a while I release some rather unannounced updates and features - here they come again.
It'll bring some forced balance between the countries, fixes some long time annoying bugs you've waited ages for, adds lots of realism and finally bring a the long time discussed prison back. New, unbugged gang system!! Yay! I finally motivated myself to do this unthankful job, a new gang system is finally finished, membership counter added, no false members being displayed, no more gang owner- / membership is lost due bugs. On top you will now always know where your gang members are located at :) New Jail (System) Yeeep, 3 members made a draft, it was long-time discussed and almost forgotten... we're getting a new hackable prison with airlocks and a self-defence system against choppers which try to do a prison break :) It can be found at the old central border and be useable by north- & south. Border Defence System A system was implemented which allows the UN to give a flight permission to an air vehicle. Air vehicles which illegal border cross without a permission now will get a total of 3 warnings. A new flight permission resets the warnings. Ignoring the warnings too often will result having your air vehicle [not the player!] added to a blacklist. Once you are on the blacklist, the border defences will activate itself once you approach the border line (1km). You can still evade these with good pilot skills and/or flares (yay flares have a purpose!)! This was very deeply tested and was implemented to prevent excessive abuse of air vehicles for illegal border crossing aswell as for trolling. Other Changes:
Rise of the South This will kick your butt! With the new group system, you'll be able to found a south government as leader of the gang. Requirement is a minimum of 5 members. Once your group drops below 4 members, south gov will dissolve itself! The south and its government is an essential part of Takistan Life and I want to encourage the usage of it - not necessarily for war but for other RP conflicts and more varety! That's why: If the leader is a south citizen, he may only pay 60k, north citizens pay 100k. All members of the leaders gang will be able to access the south gov shops. But now the more ass kicking part: War! Usually this means that the Police Forces/UN battles with the South Gov. Sometimes the UN deploys some refugee camps, but they are rare as they aren't really used... the civillians of the nations keep rather uninvolved in these conflicts which rather gives a great advantage to the northern "force". This hereby changes! War means WAR! Now once a !!government!! (not police, not UN) declares war it'll affect every single player on the server! During a 10 minutes preparation period, you'll be asked if you wish to defend your country depending on your citizenship. Hitting yes will give you a during war an unchangeable uniform, to obtain futher war equipment, you must meet up at your gov complex where the government may reparts weapons to players wearing the war skin. If you choose NO, you may seek UNs protection or choose your own path (on your own risk). Once an enemy (armed!) unit enters the other faction base, a timer will start. If you can hold the enemy base for 10 minutes, you win. Some other changes:
I know you love & hate me :p it will be released soon after doing some final testing - hope you'll enjoy it :d
Professions (more to be added)
Medic Changes
Gameplay Changes
Other changes
New AntiCheat
With this patch we will get an improved IG-Anti-Cheat to get rid of more script kiddies. New Damage Calculation Due recent problems with the (stuns could kill, shoot in the legs kills, etc.) I have modified the damage script. Note that arma often doesn't return correctly which body part was hit but from now on hitting the hands will not kill instead the accurancy of the player will be reduced a lot. Same with hitting the legs, damage (hopefully) will be calculated correctly however, shooting somebodys legs won't kill him yet disable his ability to walk. After stacking some damage, a shot in the head or body will lead to unconsciousness. Shooting the unconscious player will kill him. Other
The next patch brings an adjusted feature of my Arma 3 ArmiLife mission, reverts and price adjustments.
ArmiPhone The ArmiPhone is a simple Smartphone that makes the access to features relevant for player-interaction easier. First off, to be able to use the Smartphone you must have such in your inventory. The Smartphone is a droppable item means that i.e. hostage takers can force you to drop it or hand it over. The 3 first apps of ArmiPhone bring a new feature to our server: Emergency calls. Emergency calls allow you to send your current position to a specific faction. The faction will get a top-priority message with your name and marker on the map which will be automatically deleted after a few minutes. At this moment the following factions can be contacted: Police, UN & Medics. The apps in the 2nd row will allow you to access existing features such as the Map, the SMS feature and remote Voting. To increase the participation in votings Cops can now Vote a CC over their Smartphone. Same goes for Civs and UN for the PM. The last app (config) will allow to access some settings where you can change your viewdistance, change terrain quality and enable/disable to grass. Medic System The old revival system is comming back with some changes. Now when you're unconscious, you'll get a window asking you if you want to contact a medic. Pressing YES will launch an emergency call, NO will lead to suicide. Note that even if you're selecting YES you may die if no medic is responding. Unconscious players still can be killed by shooting them (that's why medics should look closely at server messages). Drug balancing Doing drugs now will bring more income than any other legal resource. Also, you'll be able to process drugs without owning the specific gang area aslong as the gangarea is owned by any gang HOWEVER be careful about the owners as they will get a penalty if you do so and therefore will try to keep you away or even to catch up with you. Also an old almost forgotten feature getting in your way which allows to UN and Cops to interrogate the drug sellers about recent drug sells. Other changes
About other bug reports:
Added C4!
New Chatsystem
New Donatorsystem
Pet System
From now on you can buy pets at the pet shop. As pet owner, press U to control your pet. As pet press Space to bite. Available Pets:
Currently you notice that most players drive around in SUVs and LandRovers because of its great speed and/or ramming power. However, I want that all vehicles to bring their own advantages. From now on there is a speedcap of 140 mph for ALL vehicles, this shall also help some players with desync issues. The speedupgrades now accelerate almost all vehicles to that speed and make them a considerable alternative to SUVs and LandRovers. Other Changes
GameSpy is gone, Steam takes its place and brings new challenges. Many servers had to close after this update because not only the server config, but also the scripts weren't compatible.
Sadly this affects us aswell. In order to bring the mission back up the following changes have been made:
Bank robbery
A big change will happen to it in this patch.
Other changes
On request of the UN General:
All BB members must be listed as such or above in the DB to access the members base!
SCO19 must be listed in the DB aswell from now on. If you have 2 police ranks always let the admin list with you with your SCO19 rank!
General Changes
Police changes
Medic changes
As result of the votes, the following changes have been temporarily made:
Saving System
Other Changes
Important! This is one of the biggest updates the TKL Server ever had so some bugs are unavoidable. Please report any bugs you may find to me or Andy. All donators and staff members please talk to Maverick or another admin to get their rank or donator status back.
The medic and factory system has been disabled and shouldn't be used until the next patch is released. [07.04.2014 - 21:00] -> Fixed a bug for non-steam clients Saving system & noticeable performance improvement Are you tired of waiting hours for your stats too load? Me too! That's why I decided to throw the old TKL saving system to the trash and re-invent it - with great success! From now on, all your stats will load in less then a second and on top of that even more stats will be saved! No more whitelists, no more wipes!!, no more passwords, no more stats loss, no more waiting! The new saving system makes everything easier - for players and staff :) Goal: Bring all points to 100%
Anti-Bird Eureka! Several years of TKL scripting by so many different developers working on 1 single mission. The gang system, gov convoy, clothing system, VIP mission, taxi mission, rebels mission, all the slots, all the NPCs on the map, etc... they brought us the curse of the black crows. I wanted to release this together with the new saving system in 2 weeks but after a lot of thinking and searching in the deeps of all the arma 2 I finally found a way to fix the bird slots. It's very unlikely that they'll ever appear again, but just to be sure an option "Remove Birdslots" has been added in the 0-0- menu. Cop changes
Other Bugfixes
This patch mainly contains some bug fixes and a few performance improvements to prepare the game for the new saving system (the new saving system and bird slot fix is not included in this patch)
For better RolePlay, a court building with holding cells, lawyers room, search room etc. has been placed. (Thanks to Elvis for the map editing) Remote Controls Remote controls will add more dynamic to the Game but I added them in first place to replace it with the map triggers. All over the map there will be Notebooks (i.e. UN Base, Court, Borders etc.) sometimes protected by a password which will allow you depending on your rank/faction and the notebooks position the following things:
Cop changes Added 2 new awesome police skins (full credits go to Brent) The skins can be found in patrol and criminal response ammobox UN changes
Medic changes
Other balance & gameplay changes
Bugfixes & performance improvement
The filesize also has been reduced significantly from +10100 kb to 9672 kb. Thanks to Brent and Andy for all the testing.
Medics available!
Since the uniform system now works stable, there will be a medic job in this update. Damage values:
If dead: Coroner must remove your dead body If unconscious: Medic must medicate/revive you. If injured: Medic must heal you / medikit. This includes all ways to get damaged (i.e. getting shot or jumping off building) Police changes
UN changes
Increased the payment for UN significantly for:
Misc changes & Bugfixes
-> More info <- Disabled the respawn and abort button while dead United Nations
Rebels (new mission):
A rebel army tries to terrorise Takistan. Can the UN and SCO19 stop them?
Anti-Cheat Fixed anti-cheat scripts or better, removed anti-anti-cheat scripts (wtf? who implemented that ^^) Vehicle System
Bugfixing, script improvements Several scripts have been rewritten to functions. Removed some buggy animations. Removed the following files:
6 Months break!
The priorites have changed. The mission filesize was decreased by over 20KB, this sicnifanctly reduces the waiting time after new patches by minutes! My new main focus will lay on bugfixing and performance imporvement.
Over the years countless developers just throwed their code in not understanding how the arma engine works creating many perfomance eaters and critical security leaks.
The full wantedlist now only can be obtained from the server and is not longer handled by the clients. With this patch, you will get the full wantedlist as soon as you join the game.
Colorcodes added to Scrollmenu
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